Hello Beloved Friends
Have you gone outside recently?
I haven’t done this in a long time, but I made a playlist recently
you won’t find any cowboy carter on there, but there are random sounds from all over the world. I recommend listening using the shuffle feature, especially if you are looking for new and unexpected, yet nostalgic sounds. As with all my mixes, alongside the new and foreign, there are also some classics.
Api, my beloved feline companion, has been sneezing recently. I’m going to take him to the vet because he has FIV and is immunocomprimised, but I have to say his sneezes are so cute.
I’m going live today!
I am writing this during the time I am supposed to go live, so I think I will be on linkedin, youtube, and instagram live at 12:30 EST/ 9:30 PST until about 1pm EST/ 1pm PST. I hope you can join me!
I’ll be talking about love + the nervous system. You can watch previous lives on my youtube
Next week will be my last week going live! So if you have been wanting to join, next week is the time to do it!!!
I’M GOING TO JAPAN GUYS. I’m very excited about it!! I’m also not bringing my laptop and will be stepping OUT OF THE OFFICE.
I am still doing one off healing sessions and workshops, and will be doing so until April 24th. A lot can be done in a single session!!
If you are waking up each day and finding yourself sliding into obsessive thought patterns, feeling helpless or in agony over something that happened or might happen, please reach out.
I have sliding scale available and a big box of somatic,spiritual, and psychological tools to facilitate healing and relief.
None of us deserve to live in pain day in and day out. Sometimes an intentional 60 minutes with another person can change our life.
If you are ready to find relief from emotional suffering, for real reach out to me, i got u.
I think we can all agree, queer friendships are magical
I specify queer, because while all friendship is magical, there is something uniquely special about queer relationships.
To be queer is to be transformed by the flame of authenticity, to have a truth or identity that is undeniable, but to honor this truth means breaking tradition and risking explusion from networks of safety, care, home.
Home is supposed to be a place of belonging, but when you are queer in a home space that assumes and relies on your heterosexuality, the lack of belonging begins to gnaw at you over time. Participating in rituals of care becomes psychologically perplexing.
many of us deal with this by making peace with an inner split ( I find the idea of a closet and the ritual of coming out of it extremely American) , or by leaving our families of origin and networks of care.
we learn to live with a wound, because that is what is available to us. Often, our families are rooted in the integrity of intertwined tradition, pain, and careful survival. I personally felt deep resistance to disturbing my family’s delicate equilibrium with my authentic identity, and so I grew around it.
it can be unspeakably lonely to live a double life, or to be confined to a life where only strangers can see your full, true self.
My story, thankfully, has a different end, and I have unexpectedly been able to bridge the chasm between myself and my family, but I don’t think I ever expected to be able to.
The older I get, the more I appreciate that the queer struggle accelerates for queer people, a universal struggle that we may all feel at different times. What happens when we are different than the person the people we love need us to be?
This is why I think queer friendship is so special. It is a low stakes, high acceptance container that allows us to be whoever we need to be.
In the space of this container we are able to expierence ourselves as full and integrated people without the weight of dissappointment for who we can’t be.
We are able to open our hearts again, to recieve and offer love.
It is truly one of the most beautiful things in the world and I feel so lucky to expierence it multiple times over!!!!!
It is also so special to not just have a queer homie, but to have multiple, and get to expierence life together, in the mix of it all.
I hope you enjoyed all the special photos of spring, friendship, and love! I truly feel happy for your eyes to get to soak all this magic up. Wishing you the absolute best week, I will be back in your inbox on monday!!!!
As always, please share if my words resonated with you!!!!
LOVE it. And love the playlist. Much LOVE!