Hello beloved community !
Today is the last day to enroll in New Cycles : A Course for Self Accountability
The group that has come together for New Cycles is beyond my wildest imagination.
I wanted to make a course about self accountability because accountability can transform our lives.
I distinguish accountability from responsibility in the sense that accountability is proactive, something we choose and are not forced into, and in a healthy relationship or community, accountability is shared.
A layer of accountability is only possible for us to offer ourselves.
Self-accountability is a muscle we build; as it strengthens, so does our internal sense of power.
In life, some things happen that we have no choice over, which is why self-accountability is so essential. In the precious moments when we have control and can choose how we respond, we must act from a place of intention.
In my experience, self-accountability has allowed me to attune to these moments. It is through self-accountability that I have been able to refine my boundaries. Self- accountability has also offered me the gift of feedback. Initially, receiving feedback scared me and triggered my avoidance. While it can still uncomfortable, it now nourishes me, like spinach!
community is a practice
It is something that is formed out of discomfort, hard moments, unexpected truth telling. I am grateful to have a community that cares enough about me to keep it real with me. To call me in, ask me questions, remind me of my power and impact, tell me no.
Over the years I have practiced being a good community member, and I love watching the bonds form, especially in group containers. The first day nobody knows each other, but over time we come to find comfort and joy in each other.
There is something special about group spaces and the bonds that form within them. I am glad to have been apart of many groups before hosting my own, and glad to have teachers model to me how to nurture communities with healthy limits and boundaries. It will be real time practice for all of us.
I'm so excited to introduce you to the Guardian Angels who will be Co-facilitating New Cycles with me!!
Meet my two brilliant friends Meghna and Iyatunde!
I am grateful to have these two partners in practice and play, and so grateful for their enthusiastic yes to being apart of this container.
They are the first two people I asked to join the container, and their love and support served as a needed incubator as I brought the program to life over the past weeks.
Iyatunde and Meghna will be giving me feedback throughout new cycles, as well as tending to the container in the role of small group facilitation.
I have done many group programs, and their is nothing I hate more than a random small group with no facilitator.
Sometimes, its ok, but often it feels difficult to connect.
For New Cycles, I had a vision of small groups being the same each time, allowing bonds and safety to form so participants can truly go deep together.
It was clear that I would need additional facilitation, and I am so glad that these two angels said yes.
I hope you will join us in the container! There are 2 days left to enroll and a handful of spots left!
If you aren't sure, or have specific concerns, feel free to reach out to me. I'm happy to jump on a call and talk more.
I know that this container is going to be life changing for me, and for everyone involved, and if you are feeling the pull, I encourage you to listen.
Link to enroll is in the bio! use code VAMPIRE for a special discount :)