Hello beloved community members!
It’s getting glimmery in here…..
just in cased you missed my last dispatch, a glimmer is the opposite of a trigger. It’s when we see something that sparks a sense of safety, joy, wonder , or play within us.
It is the spark of desire that we are best equipped to explore when we are feeling regulated and safe.
The longer I am in my home, the more I am understanding home decoration differently. It’s not about making your house the way it is “supposed” to look. It is about creating a space full of glimmers.
In the disgusting, yet supportive, humidity of this southern summer, I feel myself unfolding like a magnolia bloom; a monstera leaf in the humid humid heat
Thunder is rumbling in the background as I write this.
My favorite thing about moving back to South Carolina has been the thunderstorms.
Today, while I talked to Salter on the phone, I took an evening walk. it was humid, and the sky was full of distant lightning from storms I could see, but not hear. It was delightful, but also a little bit nerve-wracking! My fear got the better of me, and I cut my walk short.
I am so proud of myself
This time last year, I participated in a 6-week online program called Course to Profit. I was not implementation-ready, and I had difficulty taking the classes consistently.
I failed miserably in my goal, and honestly blamed other people for my lack of discipline and commitment.
I am so proud of myself.
New Cycles is the product of hours of reflection, skill building, and creation. This moment was not guaranteed. It was so easy to forget about this project, to give up, to do everything but work on it.
I give thanks to the all the energies guided me, all the friends that cheered me on, and my own determination.
I can’t overstate the joy I feel. I am moved by my own commitment and endurance.
This email is about my bunny tattoo, but this moment makes me think of my stomach tattoo. I have two hand-poked crocodiles in a mandala at my solar plexus. Their names are commitment and devotion.
I am so proud of myself for the commitment and devotion I have offered to my own dreams, visions, and voice.
Thank you all for being a part of the journey. Your words and support have been a profound encouragement, as I have taken the leap of being vulnerable in public.
I love all of you <3
The above clip was very much recorded in the moment! Despite my mild asthma attack, it was so so so exciting to sell the first official seat in my course!!! (To clarify, I have 3 homies that have said yes after listening to me talk about this for months, but this is like my first official ~sale~ )
People say that your clients reflect some aspect of you, and I hope it’s true because I am THRILLED to share that my first official member is the incredible @rootedinspirit
I first connected with this being over social media during the pandemic and I was captivated by their stories! A talented an expressive Dancer, this angel on earth is also a plant whisperer!!!!
I feel so excited by their existence. I am so excited that they will be joining us in the group container star garden !!!
I’m dreaming of glimmer school
This is the secret internal name I have for new cycles in my head. I know it is going to be a shimmery, endorphin filled experience.
I have realized since Nico enrolled that I would like to send participants special packages of glimmery items.
It feels so special to have these options, and to make these choices.
For years I would be in relationships with people and we would feel so connected, but our relationships would be a little bit awkward. As I have grown older, I have come to understand that I am meant to be in healing relationship with some people.
When I was younger I would mistake the energy as friendship, and it would feel strange because we desired to relate to each other, but the container of new friendship was always too surface level and unstructured for the energy deep soul work we were meant to do with each other.
I used to cringe at the thought of being more public as a healing professional, but creating this role for myself has created unpredictable ease in my life.
Finally a container, a process, and boundaries around this role that I am meant to play. Finally, a way for me to share my gifts, to recieve and be recieved.
I am friends with people that I heal. I see us all in a web, and they are apart of my web. I also think being in friendship is a way that we heal each other.
This is part of why I am excited for new cycles! My friendships are so meaningful, and are such a consistent source of joy for me. I am thrilled at the idea of learning healing technologies together as a community, and I am very excited to bring different members of my community together.
When we come together, all of our brilliance and magic breaks reality, and causes it to reform at a higher potential, with different outcomes.
I cannot wait to see what outcomes we create together.