Tonight: Libra Season Workshop
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Hello loved one!!!
Happy Monday! Mercury is going direct, and so we may begin to find forward motion and clarity in our day to day. I also associate Mondays with the energy of the moon, a reflective day filled with feelings. I know there can be pressure to be productive on this day but I hope you are kind to yourself, and go at your own pace.
As I shared in my last email, I am moving away from Los Angeles after living here for 7 years. I am choosing to move, and I know that its right for me, and it is also so challenging to walk away because my life here is so beautiful and I want to cling to it.
Have you ever walked away from something you loved because you knew it was time for you to move to the next chapter? Have you ever resisted a change, finding yourself stuck in fear and anxiety even though you can feel the stagnation building?
We tend to believe that love and joy are scarce, and when we stumble upon it, it can be so tempting to cling to it. When joy is activated in our bodies, it can unexpectedly activate fear, our unhealed inner child, and scarcity wounds.
As I navigate this moment I find myself leaning into the power of my heart, my trust in the abundance of my reality, and my devotion to liberation to help me make this next step. I am continually embodying receptivity and letting go by standing with my hands open in front of me, fingers spread. I clench my fists and release, feeling through each pose. I look my friends in the eye and ask if they think I am crazy for leaving, and they assure me I am not while simultaneously holding space for their desire for me to stay. As I slowly slowly loosen my grip, I find myself falling deeper in love.
In love. into love. I feel the blocks I have around trust, the root of my control issues. I breathe deep. I loosen.
I am, in these final days of living here, having some of the most joyful experiences of my life. I am savoring each moment, and as the moment comes to a close, practicing letting it end, and reminding myself this is just the beginning of the abundance that is on it’s way in.
When we let go, we gift ourselves space to grow. What are you holding on to that you are ready to let go?
I hope we get to find out together later today!!
Celebrate the Aries Full Moon With Me
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