Happy LIBRA Season
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Happy Libra Season !
Listen to the Libra Season Playlist
Hello beloved friends!! We are on the verge of an Aries full moon and Scorpio season and I have had an excellent libra season!!! I hope you have as well. Libra season is one of my favorite times of the year!! Ruled by Venus, Libra season is all about pleasure and flow. As a kid I loved this time because we were past the initial boring stages of orientation at school and truly in the swing of things.
I wonder what is swinging in your life dear reader! I have spent my Libra season preparing to move from LA, where I have lived for almost exactly 7 years. I have felt the medicine of Libra, divine winds gently loosening and lifting me out of my routine and attachments.
As a double Taurus, sometimes I have trouble with letting go. I feel a desire deep in my body to cling and resist the changes. This libra season I realized that when I resist change out of fear, I unknowingly bind myself, not too the beauty or joy of an experience or situation, but to fear and scarcity.
Part of letting go is knowing and trusting that our lives are abundant in joy when we can step into presence. Knowing this can allow us to let experiences end.
As my beloved libra friend Zumi says, everything dies. Denial does not change this truth. Everything peaks, and then ebbs away, and dies. This is the rhythm of our world. We tend to resist endings in this capitalistic white supremacist world, but many indigenous cultures celebrate this sacred rhythm we are in. It is only our fear that keeps us from understanding that the ending can be as sweet as the beginning.
To celebrate Libra Season and the Aries Full Moon and the dawning of scorpio season….
Make an alter to your shadow self. Be sure to include creature comforts and food, as our shadows are often hungry
Listen to the Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack as you fill your space with candles. Light the candles!!
Sleep. Sleep and sleep and sleep some more. When we sleep, energetically, we are allowing new realities to unfurl.
FLIRT!! Plan a cute photoshoot with friends and get on the dating app!! The time is now!!!
Look yourself in the eye and remind yourself that you are a cute funny charming sexy being
Give yourself a rigorous scalp rub
Normally I would add a lot more information to this newsletter, but this too is apart of libra season!! Libra is all about flowing and possibility, and kind of doing it all! Can you make dinner with your best friend AND make it to karaoke? In Libra season the answer is YES. you can do it all. Go to the party! Move!! Take a nap!! Flirt!!! On the other side, it does ask us to allow things to be as they are, to take action and DO IT, and keep it flowing!!!
Even though I’m moving and time is so precious, I’m proud of myself for getting this newsletter out. It is perfect as it is.
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