Happy Leo Season
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Happy Leo Season!!!
Listen to the Leo Season Playlist
Leo season represents the inner child and the artist. Leo asks us to see and be seen, affirm and witness the ephemeral power of our vitality with amazement. Leo wakes us up to the superpower of adornment and validates the perfection of our bodies. Celebrate this energy by:
Calling up someone in your pod and showering them with genuine affirmation. Let them know what you notice they are good at it and what you adore about them
Mindfully moisturize your body with something rose infused!
Make prolonged eye contact with yourself while listening to Whitney Houston's "The Greatest Love of All"
Write your future self a love letter. You can write a physical letter and hide it in your space, or schedule an email to arrive 6 months in the future
Gather a group of friends and play a covid safe version of tag or hide and seek
Attend my Leo Season Talent show ( keep scrolling for details)
The Aquarius Full Moon
On Saturday the full moon will be in Aquarius, the sign of the archetypal water bearer. It will also mark the close of Leo season and the transition into Virgo season. On the final days of an astrological season we sometimes experience the energy of the sign even more intensely. As an amateur astrologer I predict that on that day we may find the desire to pour out our feelings, and to have these emotions be seen. Take care to be mindful of consent and boundaries, and consider engaging in exercise or art to catch some of the water that might spill forth.
To celebrate these intense energies I am hosting a virtual talent show. I find performance to be a powerful form of self and collective affirmation. I hope you will join us pour it all out on stage in a circle of kind open hearted peers.
In July 2020 I was swimming in a river in Ojai when I crossed paths with a rattle snake. Following this encounter I experienced the sudden presence of spiritual gifts. Ancestors began to visit me in my dreams, and my intuition became louder than ever before. My mind would become flooded with information, and I would have to stop and take notes. I have spent the past year devoting myself to my gifts and training with incredible teachers.
From energetic hygiene to cutting cords, I have learned so much in the past year and I am so thrilled to share my gifts with you!!! If you are interested in working together use the link above to schedule a free 30 minute consultation!
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