the most ROMANTIC day of the year!!!
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Happy Scorpio Season !
Listen to the Scorpio Season Playlist
Hello beloved friends!! The most recent chani nicholas horoscope I read said that venus and the sun are basically going to makeout tomorrow and it’s going to be the most romantic day of the year!!!!
After seven years of celibacy I am finally dating again…and like anyone who has spent extended time in the dating pool knows, you spend a lot of time alone//heartbroken when you are actively putting your heart out there!!
So I am spending tomorrow, the astrologically blessed day for romance, nursing a broken heart. if you are in a similar position please know that you are not alone!!
Despite my broken heart I do have an unexpectedly full day and will see many friends and send many loving text messages! I hope that your day is filled with love, connection, ease, and joy!!!!
There is no romance like self romance!!! No one is capable of loving you the way you can love yourself.
Here are a few ways to harness this romantic energy and celebrate yourself….
Slather your body in decadent hydrating moisturizer. Bonus points if you imagine that you are a roast chicken while you do it
Spend sometime arranging your body into a delicious restorative yoga pose (maybe a pillow under the knees? a pillow verticley under your spine perhaps? laying with your neck hanging off the bed? legs up against the wall?) and just lay there!! I enjoy doing this while listening to an audio book or a guided meditation, or I just soak in the silence like a freak.
Take a photoshoot with yourself using the self timer button. This can be casual spur of the moment, or you can spend sometime getting ready and choosing a special outfit
Take 10 deep breaths, low and slow. Allow yourself to do nothing but breathe for these breaths.
Look yourself in the eye and remind yourself that you are a cute funny charming sexy being
Give yourself a rigorous scalp rub
Sing yourself a special song.
As many of you know, I have slowly been working to get my buisness on the ground! I have started working with communities and organizations to address conflict, have hard conversations, and develop the skills and infrastructure needed to allow for people to connect and work together.
This can look like:
Accountability coaching
Facilitation for hard conversations
Small group coaching
Working with leadership to create conflict strategy
Offering workshops to build communication skills
I feel so lucky to be working with people to imagine new futures and to grow together so we may all be better at offering and recieving the most precious and contentious resource on this planet….. Care!!!
if you feel interested in any of those services reach out! You can reply to this email or you can fill out my request for support here:
I am also working on a course about navigating conflict and relational dynamics! You can join the waitlist here.
I also have a ko-fi where I post random reflections! If you are interested in hearing about my broken heart you can read all about it in my last ko-fi post, “The healing power of grief”
Here’s a short excerpt:
I experienced an unexpected loss last week, and have felt devastated as my world view was shattered. It is slowly reforming around the new reality in front of me, and I of course feel resistance.
Have you ever experienced something that forced you to immediately let go of your plans and expectations and to immediately step into the unknown?
I remember immediately after I experienced this event the lights felt brighter. My roommate, not knowing my state, asked me to clean up my cat's puke, and so I did. It is mind blowing how the transformational and the mundane live side by side.
As I navigate my feelings of disappointment, fear, and grief I see myself reflected in the collective. My homeland is underwater, and millions more have been impacted in Puerto Rico, and in the US there is a covid wave unacknowledged by our government.
There is no denying, suppressing, or avoiding it. These are times of huge grief, and sadness, and also a transformational time of love an joy. I have always believed that as we expand our capacity for pain we also expand our capacity for joy.
you can read the rest and so much more here for as little as $3. Some of the posts are available for a one time donation, and others are for monthly subscribers.
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