Happy Full moon!
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Happy Virgo Full Moon !
Is this a dream?- Pisces Szn 2022 Playlist
Hello precious angel doves!! I hope u had a delicious confusing submersive and subversive Pisces season! It’s almost over which quite honestly is why I think I can send this newsletter now!!!
I spent much of Pisces feeling deeply exhausting. It often felt like a fever dream. I learned a big lesson about honoring limits and asking for help. In a Piscean plot twist as I have become more rested my dreams have become dominated by the stressful memories of moving.
I know I’m not alone in pushing myself past my limits! We do it for all sorts of reasons, sometimes not very good reasons. Either way, I felt myself drawing vital resources from my body during this move and my body responded with a psoriasis flare up.
As I sat in the airport with my cat exhausted as the skin cells on my hands dissolved, creating deep bleeding gashes, I realized that because I was dehydrated my skin was literally dying.
All this to say that I feel more motivated than ever before to invest in my health! I hope my tale of woe inspires you to push yourself less. To pause more, drink more water, not stay up to finish the thing. Go to bed. Eat a meal. go for a walk. work can wait.
This is a big special full moon marking the end of a cycle and a new beginning! I share all about it in the video I made for this month. There is so much more to share, so I will be back in your inbox soon!!!!
A note: The software I’m using to add captions to my videos is very glitchy and its very frustrating! I will add a transcript on Vimeo tomorrow, but if you have reccommendatiosn for caption software please send it my way??? Half the video is captioned, which is not acceptable! I am going to do better at creating access to my content.
Also a quick plug for my Ko-Fi ! If you love my work consider becoming a supporter. It’s hard to be this cute all the time. I release these newsletters because I believe that my voice is important and I have dreams of being able to write/make content full time. Every donation is valued and an affirmation that this dream is possible <3
Below are photos I have taken since I left Los Angeles. May they soothe ur eyes during ur full moon hangover
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