Happy Full moon!
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Happy Full Moon !
A strawberry rose cardamom pie made by Rosalee
By this time next week I will no longer be living in LA. I am coming to the end of my ending, and I am approaching the eve of my new beginning
I have thought about this moment for many months, often thinking about who I would be when this moment arrived. I knew, months ago, that the process of moving would change me, but I couldn’t imagine how.
In this moment I feel capable and trusting, and to my surprise, I feel excited! I also feel big big fear. For every tender, connected, playful moment I have with my friends, I feel a stab of fear, grief, and scarcity. I worry that I won’t have friends, and feel afraid of feeling lonely, isolated, disconnected.
These dueling feelings—excitement and fear, both felt intensely, is apart of moving. It is apart of ending, it is apart of beginning. It is apart of healing. It is apart of growing.
This discomfort I feel, this is part of the sacred flavor of life. I know that this moment of courage, this moment of stepping into the uncomfortable unknown, is an investment in joy and abundance.
Have you ever taken a leap of faith and felt that mix of anxiety and uncomfortable awareness of all that you do not know? Have you ever felt discouraged by your feelings of discomfort and anxiety, and avoided doing something to support your growth?
We tend to believe that if we make enough money, or self improve enough or < insert behavior here > it means that we will never feel discomfort again. Often the desire to avoid uncomfortable emotions and experiences drives our actions.
Paradoxically, presence with discomfort is the key to our healing and growth.
I don’t mean ignore your instincts and deepen your commitment to a situation that feels off to you in service of growth. Always listen to your body and your intuition, and if something feels wrong or unsafe it’s important to listen.
As I navigate this moment of discomfort in service of growth, here is what is helping me:
I am taking my time! I am so grateful that I gave myself the space to move at my own pace (even though it has definitely co$t me and I have been moving since October lol
Controlling what I can in the form of daily routine. I can’t know what’s coming next, but I do know that I will go on a long walk tomorrow
Creating space for presence with my fear, and taking time to unpack, hold and transform my feelings. I enjoy guiding myself through visual meditations before bed, or by using emotional freedom technique to shift the energy in my body
I have found so much relief with emotional freedom technique. In this technique you tap different parts of your body while using a script to an explore and release an emotion.
I recorded myself using EFT to release fear and embrace change in the video below. You can also watch it here and, if it resonates with you, consider donating to my Ko-Fi. The tapping portion starts at 26 minutes.
I’m also still accepting still accepting new clients! I have a couple of spots left; if your feeling pulled now is the time to get on my calendar <3
Below is an image set I made on the Leo Full Moon instead of packing <3
Below are photos from this last bit of time in LA. All photos taken between December 8th and Feburary 17th
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